5 william wordsworth poems | biography | intro | theme

william wordsworth poems : If you are looking for best william wordsworth poems or wordsworth poems. So we have world famous 5 william wordsworth poems. Like lyrical ballads, we are seven poem, the rainbow poem, the solitary reaper poem etc. With biography, intro, theme.

william wordsworth poems


He was born on 7 April 1770, chocker mount. He studied his Cambridge st. Completed from John’s college. He was most influential from the French revolution. He married in Germany in 1802. In 1843 he became poet laureate. He finally died on 23 April 1850 at a place called Rydal mount.

The most important event of his life occurred in 1798 when lyrical ballads were published. Mainly its 4 parts were published –

  • 1798, lyrical ballads
  • 1800, 2nd edition
  • 1802, 3rd edition
  • 1805, 4th edition

His longest poem is considered “the prelude”.

Wordsworth is called the poet of nature. He was very much in love with nature. Scholars count their nature love in 4 stages –

A). 1st stage: He used to like nature’s outer appearance very much.

B). 2nd stage: He believe in every object of nature as a living soul. He used to explain it in the same way.

C). 3rd stage: Those who are present in the nature. He found himself very impressed with that.

D) 4th stage: His last stage was that he considered nature to be a great teacher of mankind.

Because wordsworth considers nature to be a living soul. Who are present in everyone, everywhere. This is called ‘pantheism’.

Quality of wordsworth

He never saw the ugly side of nature. Never told the evils of nature.

Along with being a great nature poet, he was also a poet of mankind, poet of village life and poet of childhood.

He had the same moto through his poems. He wanted everyone to “return to nature”


1. william wordsworth poems : We are seven


Introduction :

Wordsworth’s poem was published in 1798 with lyrical ballads. The speaker meets an 8-year-old girl in this poem. And speaks to him from a very friendly nature.

Speaker asks the girl how many siblings are they? The girl says “we are seven”. He then asks where are the rest of his siblings? Later he got that 2 siblings are dead. The speaker asks if your 2 siblings are dead. So you’re 5, why are you counting those 2?

But still the girl says only 7. Like this, both are debated and Poem is over. In the end the girl does declared “No, we are seven.”

Poem :

A simple child,

That lightly draws its breath,

And feels its life in every limb,

What should it know of death?

I met a little cottage girl:

She was eight years old, she said;

Her hair was thick with many a curl

That clustered round her head.

She had a rustic, woodland air,

And she was wildly clad;

Her eyes were fair, and very fair;

—Her beauty made me glad.

“Sisters and brothers, little maid,

How many may you be?”

“How many? Seven in all,” she said,

And wondering looked at me.

“And where are they? I pray you tell.”

She answered, “Seven are we;

And two of us at Conway dwell,

And two are gone to sea.

“Two of us in the churchyard lie,

My sister and my brother;

And in the churchyard cottage, I

Dwell near them with my mother.”

“You say that two at Conway dwell,

And two are gone to sea,

Yet ye are seven! I pray you tell,

Sweet maid, how this may be.”

Then did the little maid reply,

“Seven boys and girls are we;

Two of us in the churchyard lie,

Beneath the churchyard tree.”

“You run about, my little maid,

Your limbs they are alive;

If two are in the churchyard laid,

Then ye are only five.”

“Their graves are green, they may be seen,”

The little maid replied,

“Twelve steps or more from my mother’s door,

And they are side by side.

“My stockings there I often knit,

My kerchief there I hem;

And there upon the ground I sit,

sing a song to them.

“And often after sunset, sir,

When it is light and fair,

I take my little porringer,

And eat my supper there.

“The first that died was sister Jane;

In bed she moaning lay,

Till God released her of her pain;

And then she went away.

“So in the churchyard she was laid;

And, when the grass was dry,

Together round her grave we played,

My brother John and I

“So in the churchyard she was laid;

And, when the grass was dry,

Together round her grave we played,

My brother John and I.

“And when the ground was white with snow,

And I could run and slide,

My brother John was forced to go,

And he lies by her side.”

“How many are you, then,” said I,

“If they two are in heaven?”

Quick was the little maid’s reply,

“O master! we are seven.”

“But they are dead; those two are dead!

Their spirits are in heaven!”

‘T was throwing words away; for still

The little maid would have her will,

And say, “Nay, we are seven!”

2. william wordsworth poems : London, 1802


Introduction :

This poem by Wordsworth was published in 1802. He wrote it mainly for john milton. Through this Poem he paid tribute to milton.

In this, remembering Milton says that I wish you were here. Because England needs you. According to Wordsworth, morality had stopped at that time. At the time of milton it was not like it has been like water stopped in a swamp. So wordsworth says come back and take us out.

Wordsworth was deeply influenced by Milton. So thinking the speaker crying weeping and say milton come back.

Poem :

Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour:

England hath need of thee: she is a fen

Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen,

Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower,

Have forfeited their ancient English dower

Of inward happiness. We are selfish men;

Oh! raise us up, return to us again;

And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.

Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart:

Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea:

Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free,

So didst thou travel on life’s common way,

In cheerful godliness; and yet the heart

The lowliest duties on herself did lay.

3. william wordsworth poems : The Rainbow


Introduction :

This is the shortest poem by Wordsworth. This poem is mainly untitled. It has no title, so it was given 2 titles. 1st rainbow and 2nd my heart leaps up.

My heart leaps up so given. Because this is the first line of the poem.

Rainbow so wordsworth see a rainbow. And go away in childhood.

Poem :

My heart leaps up when I behold

A Rainbow in the sky:

So was it when my life began;

is it now I am a man;

So be it when I shall grow old,

Or let me die!

The Child is father of the man;

And I wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety.

4. william wordsworth poems : The solitary reaper


Introduction :

This poem was written in 1805. And it was published in 1807. It was a ballad. According to its title, a woman who harvests a crop is talked about in solitude.

The mainstay in this is a farming woman. Who are harvesting in solitude and singing songs. In the poem, the speaker speculates that the woman is singing a sad song. Also speculates the reason for this song.

Finally the speaker says without disturbing her. Starts climbing the hill. And tells that song touched her heart.

Poem :

Behold her, single in the field,

Yon solitary Highland Lass!

Reaping and singing by herself;

Stop here, or gently pass!

Alone she cuts and binds the grain,

And sings a melancholy strain;

O listen! for the Vale profound

Is overflowing with the sound.

No Nightingale did ever chaunt

More welcome notes to weary bands

Of travellers in some shady haunt,

Among Arabian sands:

A voice so thrilling ne’er was heard

In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,

Breaking the silence of the seas

Among the farthest Hebrides.

Will no one tell me what she sings?

Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow

For old, unhappy, far-off things,

And battles long ago:

Or is it some more humble lay,

Familiar matter of to-day?

Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,

That has been, and may be again?

Whatever the theme, the Maiden sang

As if her song could have no ending;

I saw her singing at her work,

And o’er the sickle bending;

I listened, motionless and still;

And, as I mounted up the hill,

The music in my heart I bore,

Long after it was heard no more.

5. william wordsworth poems : The world is too much with us


Introduction :

He wrote this poem by Wordsworth in 1802. It was published in 1807. It is mainly told in this poem. How materialism was dominating humans. Human beings are being abused by nature for their selfishness. Wordsworth has satirized the same thing.

This poem describes how man is a burden on nature. nature has troubled us. Finally, we can say that this poem by Wordsworth has complaints from humans.

Poem :

The world is too much with us; late and soon,

Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:

Little we see in Nature that is ours;

We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!

This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;

The winds that will be howling at all hours,

And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;

For this, for everything, we are out of tune,

It moves us not. Great God! I’d rather be

A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;

So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,

Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;

Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;

Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.

Thank you so much ❤️ sir / ma’am I hope you enjoy it.

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